2021-09-16 08:44:13

Patientory Blockchain Privacy – How is it Achieved?

An interoperability deficiency across health record management has always caused unnecessary expenses and time inefficiency in traditional health information record systems. Healthcare workers have found themselves in an undesirable position where they spend more time computing patient information instead of doing their job – patient care.  This inefficiency, coupled with shrinking health care budgets globally, has resulted in smaller core healthcare staff and supporting cast. This recession has further translated to more work for healthcare workers across the board. As a result, burnout among healthcare workers between 2011 and 2014 shot up from 45% to 54%.  The Patientory Blockchain which encompasses the PTOYMatrix network is the answer to limitations currently facing electronic health record systems. These limitations include lack of security, the threat of malware and compromise, interoperability across different third-party systems, a complicated user interface, and poor user experience.  This article will focus on health record management security and privacy and how the Patientory Blockchain has positioned itself as a pioneer in maintaining high-level privacy for patient information.  What is Patientory?  Patientory is a decentralized network  for maintaining health records and facilitating health information exchange. The network unlocks the potential of cybersecurity and interopera...

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